I help people retire rich and fearless!

Maximize Your Retirement Finances
Get Confident About Retirement
Live Your Dream Retirement
Are you nearly—or newly—retired? Are you nervous about running out of money in retirement? Do you want the “money confidence” to live both a memorable—and purposeful—retirement?
I help people retire rich and fearless.
The word “rich” generally means having an abundance of wealth. The truth is that “rich” to me is twofold:
Since you’ve already built most—if not all—of your wealth, “rich” is more about helping you maximize the wealth you’ve created. I make complex financial strategies simple through my blogs and videos so you can understand and implement them on your own.
“Rich” isn’t just about money, though. “Rich” is also about fulfilling your retirement life goals with peace and purpose. It’s about being fulfilled and doing all those things you dreamed of for the last four decades of slaving to get where you are now.
“Fearless” is simply having the “money confidence” to spend and enjoy your hard-earned nest egg without regret or worry. “Fearless” means having the conviction to take those trips, donate to your favorite causes, and shower your grandkids with gifts knowing your retirement plan is solid through both good—and bad—markets.
I’ve been a financial planner for about three decades now. I worked for the biggest firms on Wall Street before opening the doors to my own little boutique wealth management firm in 2005 - Redrock Wealth Management. I’ve got a bunch of “alphabet soup” (credentials) behind my name, and to this day, I continue to sharpen my knowledge and skills so I can be of service to you and help you live the retirement you always dreamed of.
Throughout my career, I’ve done hundreds of retirement plans for people. I’ve seen the beads of sweat roll off a new retiree’s forehead as they wring their hands, hoping medical expenses, bear markets, and inflation won’t destroy their retirement. If you’re nearly—or newly—retired, you’re probably anxious about the same things right now.
I’m here to tell you that you can retire rich and fearless. You can enjoy both a memorable—and purposeful—retirement. You can squeeze every last dime from the nest egg you’ve built and make Uncle Sam actually “cry uncle” when you exploit the tax code. And the best part is you can do all of these things with complete confidence!
Helping you retire rich and fearless is my passion, my purpose, and my goal. I hope you enjoy the materials I’ve created and use them to your advantage so you can enjoy a retirement life with less risk, more money, and a sunny outlook on the future.
My mission is to help you retire rich and fearless! I want you to enjoy the best years of your life and “leave your mark” on the world as you see fit. But doing so requires money, so my mission is to ensure you maximize your wealth and enjoy it without the anxiety many retirees have today.
I envision every retiree having access to the tips, tools, and tactics to create and manage the most effective and lucrative retirement plan within the confines of their wealth and resources.
My values are the foundation of everything I do. They’re embedded in my business, client relationships, and personal life.
My client’s trust is my most precious asset. That trust is hard to earn and easy to lose, and I must do everything in my power to earn—and keep—that trust.
There’s no honor in “sugar coating” the truth. People need to hear the truth good - or bad. “Blowing smoke” to make a client feel better is a sure path towards destroying their retirement.
I believe in a firm and unwavering adherence to honest and ethical principles. This directly correlates with my first two values, trust, and honesty.
I act as a fiduciary, putting my client's interests above my own in everything I do, no matter the costs or repercussions.