The Retirement Architect Program

Our purpose—and passion—is helping people design and enjoy the retirement they’ve always dreamed of with more money and less worry! We make your “money confidence” the highest priority, because what fun is retirement if you’re constantly worried about dying broke?

How Does the Retirement architect Program Work?

The Retirement Architect Program is a 3 phase process:

#1 Your Financial Baseline Review: We begin the Retirement Architect Program by gathering your basic financial data into our planning systems. Specifically, we focus on your assets, income, expenses, and liabilities.

The most exciting part is exploring your “future expenses” and discussing what you really want your ideal retirement to look like.

The "Planning" Event

#2 The “Planning Event”: This is an immersive experience where we use our big screen (or yours if we meet via video conferencing) to create your best path to success.

Most importantly, we focus on your desired “future expenses” throughout retirement and match up your ability to meet them accordingly.

We'll squeeze every last dime from your retirement

During this process, we’ll tweak and refine your plan until you have a clear picture of what your best retirement will be like (within the abilities of your finances.) We’ll show you how to:

  • Reduce your investment risk while maximizing your returns
  • Get the maximum Social Security benefit possible
  • Avoid Medicare IRMAA penalties
  • Plan for the best but prepare for the worst
  • Slash your investment fees and expenses
  • Implement strategies to minimize your tax burden
  • Maximize your financial legacy with a HECM
  • Strategize the ultimate retirement income backup plan
  • And whatever else we uncover unique to your personal needs and goals

The Executive summary & actions items

#3 in the Executive Summary meeting we’ll confirm everything we’ve planned for with you, make adjustments if necessary, and create a plan for you to achieve your retirement dreams and goals.

Additionally, we’ll review your tax return and look for tax opportunities (such as Roth conversions, tax-loss harvesting or even tax-gain harvesting).

And You're Up!

We call the Retirement Architect Program an “event” for a reason. It’s a 3 meeting engagement with no ongoing commitments whatsoever. You do have a commitment to yourself, however. That commitment is in the execution of your Retirement Architect Program Plan.

Your Executive Summary will list everything we’ve built into your plan that you’ll need to implement, monitor, and manage throughout your retirement. You’re responsible for opening, transferring, and managing your accounts, scheduling your income streams, making the appropriate Social Security claiming decisions, and a lot more!

If you want additional ongoing financial planning, advice, guidance, and maintenance, we’re here to help through our Retirement Navigation Program.

Frequently Asked questions

What does the Retirement Architect Program cost?

We charge a one-time flat fee of $4,950 which is paid at the end of our meeting together (or in advance through Paypal for a virtual engagement). If you decide you need ongoing management, monitoring, and maintenance of your Retirement Architect Plan we’ll credit your $4,950 fee towards your ongoing Retirement Navigation management fees.

Who is the Retirement Architect Program for?

We can work through the Retirement Architect Program process with just about anyone. That being said, if you’re nearly—or newly— retired with $500,000 or more in investment assets, you’ll absolutely get the maximum value possible! This typically means clients from 55 to 75 with a net worth of 1 to 5 million dollars are our “best-fit” Retirement Architect clients.


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