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Thanks for downloading our Retirement Mastery Toolkit!

Download each piece separately:

or download the entire toolkit here.

How To Find A Financial Advisor You Can Trust In 5 Steps

This guide will teach you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about finding and hiring the best financial advisor for your situation!

16 of the 111 Worst Retirement Planning Mistakes eBook

This FREE eBook has $271,099.37 in simple, actionable, retirement strategies

Critical Retirement Dates & Deadlines Cheat Sheet

Wondering when you need to enroll in Medicare? How much Social Security you’ll lose by claiming early? Or maybe you want to learn more about your IRA required distributions? It’s all right here in this handy reference sheet.

Pre-Retirement Quick Guide

This quick and easy read will teach you the three basic steps to a successful retirement . . . Learning, Assessment, and Trying Retirement.

Retirement Budget Spreadsheet Calculator

Whether you micro-manage your budget monthly or throw generalized annual numbers in, this retirement budgeting spreadsheet will help you solve the #1 question every nearly retired person has “How much do I need to retire?”

My Book “The Portfolio Architect: 5 Keys To Design, Build & Manage Your Ultimate Investment Plan"

I spent two years writing this book where I walk you through the basics of designing and building a diversified, low-cost, risk-appropriate investment plan.

Warren Buffet & Asterid Menks Sample Retirement Plan

In this sample plan, you’ll see how each incremental improvement in an otherwise “sunk” retirement plan can add tens—to hundreds—of thousands of dollars over your retirement lifetime.

The Key Financial Data Cheat Sheet

Here it is! Updated for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act you’ll find every important piece of financial data you could ever want for retirement! Be warned, it’s a lot and you may need a microscope.

Fi360 List Of The Best Mutual Fund Companies For 2020

How good are the mutual fund companies you’re invested with? Find out here in the fi360 report of the best mutual fund companies to invest with for 2020.

Download The Entire Toolkit Here

And don’t forget to check your email for more fun tools and tips to create and enjoy your best retirement possible!